Knowledge is power Essay

 Knowledge Is Power


Once upon a time , man used to live in the jungle naked , barbarous , consuming raw-meat and struggling for existence . But gradually there was an evolution in his mental world , and knowledge flourished in him like a mushrooming cloud , expanded the horizon of thought , ideas , probed man to new discoveries and inventions . There came a revolution in his mental world which made him educated , cultured , sophisticated , progressive and scientific . Knowledge enabled man to fly in the sky , to conquer the hostile forces of nature to create wonder . Man , by the gifts of knowledge , became second God .

Might is right principle 

In the beginning of human civilisation , might or physical strength was considered right . The strong crushed the weak as it is still found in korawai society in indonesia . He who possessed astounding and giant-like physical strength was feared , adorned and was offered whatever he wanted . This gave birth to a beastly society , bred anarchy , autocracy , monopoly of the strong and suffering of the weak . The strong country defeated the weak . The strong man kidnapped the weak man's wife , daughter . Animality pervaded everywhere .

Wealth as power

After 'might' came 'wealth' as a powerful weapon to be exercised by the wealthy , affluent people , by rich landlords , barrens , feudal lords , monarchs , capitalists . They crushed , exploited , tortured , mishandled the poor , the proletariat and working class . Wealth created class distinction in medieval world . The poor felt neglected , letting down and lead a precarious life .

Knowledge as power

After wealth came knowledge and then power shifted to it . Francis Bacon , Machiavelli , Sun Tzu , Newton , Archimedis popularised the concept of the knowledge . Today a country can't win by its military might unless it possess consealed mind where knowledge is stored up . Today knowledge is embedded in weapons and technologies . Today's fighter plane , satellites , submarines run by computers which are super brains .

Wealth is dependent on brain power . The advanced could not run for thirty seconds without computers and the new complexities of production , the integration of many diverse technologies , the demassification of markets run by computer information available at finger tip due to knowledge .

Knowledge is the source of highest power . It is the most important ingredient of force and wealth . Force is finite . There is a limit to how much force can be employeed before we destroy or capture or defend . Money cannot buy everything - the fattest walet empties out to buy love , to buy an honest man . But knowledge can never be used up . The more you use it , the greater it is polished , refined and generated .


Knowledge has no end , though a definite beginning . It is infinitely expandable . It is inherently different from muscle and money . If i use a gun , you cannot simultaneously use the same gun . If i use a dollar , you cannot use the same dollar at a time . But both of us can use the same knowledge at a time , against each other . 

The bullet or budget can be exhausted but knowledge cannot . The strong possess muscle , the rich possess wealth ; but both rich and poor , weak and strong possess knowledge . Thus knowledge is the most democratic source of power . So knowledge is the best power .

Tags - Knowledge is power essay , Essay on knowledge is power in 250 words , very important essay for students , How knowledge is example of power , what is important of knowledge essay , why knowledge is a power 

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