DBMS MCQs For ASI Communication & Other Competitive Exams

 Database Management System MCQs

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Questions & Answer Section

1. What is the full form of DBMS ?

a) Data of binary management system 

b) Database Management System 

c) Database Management Service 

d) Data backup Management System 

2. What is a database ?

a) Organized collection of information that cannot be accessed , updated and managed 

b) Collection of data or information without organizing 

c) Organized collection of data or information that can be accessed , updated and managed 

d) Organized collection of data that cannot be updated 

3. What is DBMS ?

a) DBMS is a collection of queries 

b) DBMS is a high level language 

c) DBMS is a programming language 

d) DBMS stores , modifies and retrieves data 

4. Who created the first DBMS ?

a) Edgar Frank Codd 

b) Charles Bachman 

c) Charles Babbage 

d) Sharon B. Codd

5. Which type of data can be stored in the database ?

a) Image oriented data 

b) Text , files containing data 

c) Data in the form of audio and video 

d) All of above 

6. Which of the following is not an example of DBMS ?

a) MySQL 

b) Microsoft Access 

c) IBM DB2 

d) Google 

7. Which of the following is a feature of DBMS ?

a) Minimum Duplication and Redundancy of Data 

b) High level of security 

c) Single user access only 

d) Support ACID property 

8. Which of the following is a function of the DBMS ?

a) Storing data 

b) Providing multi users access control 

c) Data Integrity 

d) All of above 

9. Which of the following is a component of the DBMS ?

a) Data

b) Data languages 

c) Data manager 

d) All of above 

10. Which of the following is known as a set of entities of the same type that share same properties or attributes ?

a) Relation set 

b) Tuples 

c) Entity set

d) Entity Relation model 

11. What is information about data called ?

a) Hyper data 

b) Tera data 

c) Meta data 

d) Relations 

12. What does an RDBMS consist of ?

a) Collection of Records 

b) Collection of keys 

c) Collection of tables 

d) Collection of fields

13. -------------- is a hardware component that is most important for the operation of a database management system . 

a) Microphone 

b) High speed , large capacity disk to store data 

c) High resolution video display 

d) Printer 

14. The DBMS acts as an interface between --------

a) Data and the DBMS 

b) Application and SQL 

c) Database application and the database 

d) The user and the software 

15. The ability to query data as well as insert , delete and alter tuples is offered by -----------

a) TCL ( Transaction control language ) 

b) DCL ( Data control language ) 

c) DDL ( Data definition language ) 

d) DML ( Data manipulation language ) 

16. Which command is used to remove a relation from an SQL ? 

a) Drop table 

b) Delete 

c) Purge 

d) Remove 

17. Which of the following command is correct to delete the values in the relation teaches ?

a) Delete from teaches ;

b) Delete from teaches where id = ' Null ' ;

c) Remove table teaches ;

d) Drop table teaches 

18. Procedural language among the following is ---------------

a) Domain relational calculus 

b) Tuple relational calculus 

c) Relational algebra 

d) Query language 

19. The top level of the hierarchy consists of ------------- each of which can contain 

a) Schemas , Catalogs 

b) Schemas , Environment 

c) Environment , Schemas 

d) Catalogs , Schemas 

20. The traditional storage of data organized by the customer , stored in separate folders in filling cabinets is an example of ------------------ type of ' database ' management system 

a) Object oriented database management system 

b) Relational database management system 

c) Network database management system 

d) Hierarchical database management system 

21. Why the following statement is erroneous ?

SELECT dept_name , ID , avg ( salary ) 

FROM instructor 

GROUP BY dept_name;

a) Dept_id should not be used in group by clause 

b) Group by clause is not valid in this query 

c) Avg(salary) should not be selected 

d) None

Tags - DBMS mcqs with answer , DBMS multiple choice questions and answer , important multiple questions and answer for competitive exams , Computer questions for ASI communication and ASO , OSSSC , OSSC junior clerk , OSSC junior assistant , Computer awareness questions for all govt competitive exams , Computer part questions for competitive exams , important short questions and answers for competitive exams of computer part 

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