Web Design and Internet Questions For ASI & Other Competitive

 Web design and Internet Questions of Computer part 

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Covered portion - Computer MCQS on Internet part of Computer of Competitive exams 
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1. Address separate the user name from the ISP using the ------------ symbol . 

a) &

b) @

c) %

d) *

2. The mail server as defined in the text uses the ---------- protocol .

a) HTTP 

b) FTP 

c) POP 

d) SMTP 

3. To send email to a large group at one time , a ---------- can be use 

a) listserv 

b) group 

c) alias 

d) Mail server 

4. When sending an email , the ----------- line describes the contents of the message . 

a) to 

b) Subject 

c) Contents 

d) CC

5. Unsolicited commercial email is commonly known as -----------

a) Junk 

b) Hoaxes

c) Spam 

d) Hypertext

6. News servers utilize -------------- to distribute documents to readers . 

a) NNTP 

b) News 


d) FTP 

7. To search FTP archives for a file , you should use the ---------- tool . 

a) gopher 

b) Jughead 

c) Archie

d) Jalopy 

8. -------------- is often referred to as " the CB of the Internet ." 

a) IRC 

b) FTP 

c) E-mail 

d) HTTP 

9. Discussion groups may have a ----------- who monitors the postings and enforces the site's rules . 

a) Judge 

b) Sysop 

c) Narrator 

d) Censor 

10. A message with replies on a newsgroup is often called a ------------

a) Post 

b) List

c) Thread 

d) Comment 

11. Internet's Initial development was supported by : 


b) IBM 

c) Microsoft 

d) None of these 

12. World wide web was proposed by : 

a) Bill Gates 

b) Bill Rogers 

c) Tim Berners Lee

d) None of above 

13. What are the uses of the Internet 

a) Communication 

b) Information Retrieval 

c) Presentation of information 

d) All of above 

14. .net domain is used for :

a) Educational institution 

b) Internet infrastructure and service providers 

c) International organization 

d) None 

15. URL stands for :

a) Uniform Resource Locator 

b) Uniform Resource Library

c) United Resource Locators 

d) None of these 

16. Benefits of Emails are : 

a) Speed 

b) Cost 

c) Record Keeping 

d) All of the above 

17. WWW provides standardized access to : 



c) FTP 

d) All of the above 

18. Which among the following is not an internet browser :

a) Netscape Navigator 

b) Chrome 

c) Drupal 

d) Opera 

19. What should be minimum requirement of random access memory ( RAM ) for internet access ?

a) 8 mb

b) 16 mb

c) 32 mb

d) 64 mb

20. A modern is not needed when accessing the internet through :

a) LAN

b) Cable 

c) Wi-Fi

d) None of these 

21. In order to use cable for browsing web you will need :

a) A cable modems 

b) Network Interface Card ( NIC ) 

c) Both of above 

d) None of these 

22. ADSL gives :

a) Faster downloading speed ( Receiving ) than uploading speed ( Sending ) 

b) Slower downloading speed ( Receiving ) than uploading speed ( Sending ) 

c) Same downloading speed ( Receiving ) than uploading speed ( Sending ) 

d) None of these 

23. What is the minimum bandwidth required for broadband connection : 

a) 128 kbps 

b) 256 kbps 

c) 512 kbps 

d) None of these 

24. The limit of ASDL service is : 

a) 800 feet 

b) 10, 000 feet 

c) 18000 feet 

d) None of these 

25. Which of these is a variation of ADSL , but the modem can adjust the speed of the connectio depending on the length and quality of the line :

a) VDSL 

b) SDSL 


d) None of these 

26. An IP address is a :

a) Binary number that uniquely identifies computers 

b) Also identifiers other devices on TCP /IP network . 

c) Both of above

d) None of these

27. TCP stands for : 

a) Tools control protocol 

b) Transmission control protocol 

c Transfer control protocol 

d) None of these

28. IP stands for :

a) Internal Protocol 

b) Internet protocol 

c) Interior Protocol 

d) None of these

29. Which among the following is correct ?

a) An IP address can be private for use on Local Area Network ( LAN ) 

b) It can be use on the internet or other wide area network ( WAL ) 

c) IP address can e determined statistically ( Assigned to a computer by a system administrator ) or dynamically ( assigned by another device on the network on demand ) 

d) All of the above 

30. An internet protocol address ( IP address ) is :

a) A numerical label assigned to each device ( e.g. computer , printer ) participating in a computer network 

b) It working for the communication 

c) Both of above 

d) None of these

31. An IP and address serves which among the following principal functions : 

a) Host or network interface identification 

b) Location addressing 

c) Both of above 

d) None of these 

32. Role of IP addressing is :

a) A name indicates what we seek 

b) An address indicates where it is 

c) A route indicates how to get there 

d) All of the above 

33. The designers of the internet protocol defined an IP address as a ---------

a) 32 bit 

b) 34 bit 

c) 31 bit 

d) None of these

34. 32 bit system was known as Internet protocol version --------- which is still in use today :

a) 4

b) 5

c) 3

d) None of these 

35. Due to the growth of the internet and the predicted depletion of available addresses , a new version of IP version 6 using -------------- for the address was developed in 1995 : 

a) 128 bits 

b) 129 bits 

c) 130 bits 

d) None of these

36. Two versions of the internet protocol ( IP ) are in use such as IP version 4 and IP version 6 each version defines as IP address ---------

a) Same 

b) Unique

c) Different 

d) None of these 

37. In the early stages of development of the internet protocol , network administrators interpreted an IP address in ------------ parts .

a) Network Number Portion 

b) Host Number Portions 

c) Both of above 

d) None of the above

38. High levels of demand have decreased the supply of un-allocated internet protocol version 4 address available for assignment to internet service providers and end user organization since the ---------

a) 1980s

b) 1990s

c) 2000s

d) None of these

39. Which among the following definition is correct : 

a) Address - The unique number ID assigned to one host or interface in a network 

b) Subnet - A portion of a network sharing a particular subnet address 

c) Subnet mask - A 32 bit combination used to describe which portion of an address refers to the subset and which part refers to the host 

d) All of the above 

40. NAT stands for :

a) Network address translator 

b) Network access translator

c) Network acquired translator 

d) None of these 

41. Cryptography is derived from the --------- word 

a) Greek 

b) French 

c) Latin 

d) None of these 

42. Cryptography is the study of information ---------- 

a) Hiding 

b) Verification 

c) Both of above

d) None of these

43. ----------- argues that " Artificial intelligence is the next stage in evolution " . 

a) Edward fredkin 

b) George dyson

c) Nikeal dyano 

d) None of these

44. The intelligent paradigm became widely acceptable during the period of ------------

a) 1980s 

b) 1990s

c) 1960s

d) None of these

45. Artificial intelligence consists of :

a) Theoretical side

b) Experimental side 

c) Both of above 

d) None of these 

46. Long term goal for artificial intelligence is :

a) Social Intelligence

b) Creativity 

c) General intelligence

d) All of the above 

47. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a

a) Client 

b) Mainframe 

c) Supercomputer 

d) Network

48. A program that is used to view websites is called a 

a) Browser 

b) Web viewer 

c) Spreadsheet

d) Word processor 

49. Which of the following is not a type of t broadband internet connection ?

a) Satellite

b) DSL 

c) Dial up 

d) Cable 

50. A typical modern computer uses 

a) Valves 

b) LSI valves 

c) Vacuum tubes 

d) All of these

51. What is the term for unsolicited Email ?

a) Spam 

b) Backbone 

c) Usenet 

d) News group 

52. Sending an E-mail is similar to 

a) Sending a package 

b) Talking on the phone 

c) Writing a letter 

d) Drawing a picture 

53. ARPANET stands for 

a) Advanced rehearse projects agency network 

b) Advanced research projects agency network 

c) Advanced research projects agency network 

d) None of these

54. Internet is 

a) A worldwide interconnected network of computers which use a common protocol to communicate with one another 

b) A worldwide network of computers 

c) An interconnected network of computers 

d) A local computer network 

55. The process of connecting to the internet account is 

a) Sing in 

b) Sing Out

c) Login 

d) Logout 

56. A proxy server is used for which of the following ?

a) To provide TCP / IP 

b) To process client requests for database access 

c) To process client requests for web pages 

d) To provide security against unauthorized users 

57. SMTP is a 

a) Networking protocol 

b) Protocol used for transferring message between end user and mail server 

c) Encryption standard 

d) Protocol used for smart card message interchange 

58. Rules for exchanging data between computers are called 

a) Procedures 

b) Protocols 

c) Hyperlinks 

d) Programs 

59. ---------- performs simple mathematics for the CPU .

a) Bus 

b) Register 

c) DIMM 

d) ALU 

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